Thursday, April 23, 2009

Moving on... eeerrrrrrr

Here’s an irony in breaking up with someone, you get to spend more quality time with each other post break-up compared to the time you were together. You might even seem like a couple now more than before. Some would ask how is this even possible.

I realized, if you haven’t burned any bridges with your ex, why act bitter now, right? There’s just one clear and present danger if you try to be the meek and forgiving ex: resurfaced feelings or worse, loving the person more now. You’re friends would probably nag you until the whole $&#! blows right open or knock some sense in you especially if you’re the one who got dumped in the first place. You’d hear lines such as “why bother calling?”, “why spend time?”, “why exert all the effort?”, etc. etc. etc. Of course these are all under the premise of your good old friends looking after you. Oh so sweet and caring but no, you’d still do what your gut tells you. You still insist on the feelings you have until maybe such time you can’t take it anymore.

There will be moments when you’d wake up in the morning and decide to “move on” also known as don’t initiate any form of communication or interaction with the ex. It could simply be a turning on the cold shoulder if you want to put it that way. But deep inside, there’s this hope that he’ll ask you what went wrong or probably even insist of seeing you because in the first place, there’s nothing wrong with being friends now.

The dilemma begins. Do you keep the brand new honest-to-goodness non-romantic friendly relationship with your ex or completely drop everything and just focus on moving on, seriously? Let’s admit it, the latter most of the time requires not talking or even seeing the person who broke your heart. Every time you feel like you’re in the right path of the moving process and the suddenly your ex shows up and treats you so nicely (even way better that you were treated before), ugh! Expect that everything shatters! It brings some feeling of immobility. It makes you indecisive, irrational at some points. In other words, you’re screwed!

Really, I think nothing and no one could ever know when it will stop or where something else would begin. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in relationships, it’s being not too cerebral all the times. Indulge in both the joys and pains of relationships. Just try not to end up too pathetic and miserable. There are ways to do it with so much class and sophistication!

Obviously, I wrote this because this is coming from I’d say real life experiences. I know, I know… friends will raise their eyebrows but to those who have been through all these will share the same sentiments.

1 comment:

Jayson said...

And my dear friend, here is a blog response to your official entry for 2009 blog.