Monday, July 02, 2007

SLUM BOOK (hehehe)

1) Starting time: 3:25 PM (EST), June 29, 2007

2) Your Name: Jeffrey Umali Inandan

3) What are your nicknames: Jeff, Jeffie, Dieph

4) School: De La Salle – Lipa; De La Salle University - Manila

5) E-mail:

6) Eyes: black

7) Hair: black but I love to change hair color every once in a while

8) Pets: Hate ‘em!

9) Siblings: 2, they are twins!


10) Been so drunk you blacked out: drunk but didn’t black out though. That’s way too much!

11) Taken any illegal substances: Nope. Seriously!

12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: Yeah! To move my car, to buy something at the nearest store.

13) Missed school b/c it was raining: Yes but not during college days unless classes were suspended.

14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: Hell no!

15) Ever kept a secret from someone: Not just from someone, from a lot of people. Everybody does this, come on!

16) Who knows your deepest secrets: My closest friends.

17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yeah. Never worked.

18) Cried during a movie: Yup. But I get teary-eyed most of the time in MMK!

19) Had a crush on a teacher: Nope.

20) Ever thought an animated character was hot: Nah.

21) Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: No.

22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Funny… but yeah!

23) Prank called someone: yeah! Those who prank called me! Hahaha!


25) Shampoo: Pantene, Rejoice, Lux, Sunsilk (I change brands each time a bottle gets emptied then revert back to the other brands)

26) Soap: Safeguard (Green or Orange); Dove; Ivory (Green)

27) Color: Green!

28) Day/Night: Night

29) Summer/Winter: Summer! Love the beach. And oh well, there’s no winter here in the Philippines. Though I love Europe’s winter! J

30) Online smile: Oh ayan! :-)

31) Lace or satin: For what? Parang alam ko na.. hehehe

32) Cartoons/Anime: The Little Rascals!!! Problem Child

33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: As of this writing, no.

34) Like anyone: Oh geezzz!!! Super duper like!!! T.G. and A.R.

35) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Lester, Aya, etc (13 years); Rona, Marl etc (11 years)

36) Who is the shyest: None! hahaha

37) Who do you go to for advice: Lester, Aya, Marl, Rona, JM, Van, Jai, Keiko, Gracie

38) Who do you get the most surveys from: Aya, Marl, Rona, Rhods, Ad

39) Who do you cry with: Aya, Marl, Rona, Jai, Keiko, Gracie, and the rest of Chefars


40) Cried: almost.

41) Cut your hair: Uh huh! Just did yesterday!

42) Exercised: Yeah! I go to the gym three times a week.

43) Worn a skirt: nope. Duh!

44) Been mean: Ay nako! Ay nako! Ummm… I hope not but yeah.. I think I was mean to some few friends.

45) Been sarcastic: Almost always the past 2 weeks! Ha!

46) Met someone new: Oh yeah! Exciting actually.

47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: nah. But a friend of mine is arranging for that big day! For the second one, yeah. Just did... finally!

48) Missed someone: Always. But I’m trying not to miss them… Bad.

49) Hugged someone: Yah! A lot actually! Some friends who greeted me during my birthday

50) Fought with your parents: Nope. It’s been a while. Kinda got tired of that. I’ve grown up!

51) Wished upon a star: Yes! Cute.

52) Laughed until you cried: No.

53) Played Truth or Dare: Nah. Don’t want the mess after the game… if you know what I mean.

54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: Beautiful.

55) Went to the beach at night: nope. Last month yes I did.

56) Spent quality time alone: yah sure. Got “me time” every week or so.

57) Read a book for fun: not recently.

58) Ate a great meal: Always!

59) Are you lonely: next question please.

60) Are you happy: in most aspects of my life yes!

61) Are you talking to someone online: intermittent – yeah!


62) God/Devil: yah..

64) The Closet Monster: Nah.

65) The Big Bang Theory: Yah.

66) Heaven/Underworld: Uh huh! Especially when I’m in an airplane or on a ship/boat.

67) Superstitions: Yah.

68) What's a name you'd rather be called: Tristan. Kevin.

69) Who named you: My mom I think.

70) Backstreet Boys or NSync: N’Sync! I love “This I promise you”

71) When was the last time you showered: before coming to work

72) What color pants do you have on right now: jeans, duh!

73) What song are you listening to right now: none but the last I played while I was on the shower was “Heart of mine”

74) What was the last thing you said: “Okay, bye!” -- from a short meeting with the team

75) What is right next to you: A display cabinet full of Price Pfister faucets!

76) What is your computer desk made of: Wood with the partitions and all.

77) What is your phone number (optional): check my email signature.

78) What was the last thing you ate: Rice and Adobo (a few hours ago)

79) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Venice. Paris.

80) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: Whoever is God’s gift for me.

81) How many buddies do you have on your PM list: a whole lot as in 250++ but only 150 or so online right now.

82) How's the weather right now: just about right. Rained earlier.

83) Have you ever smoked pot: yeah. Never liked it. Never tried it again.

84) What did you do last night: went to work.

85) What is the best thing you find about the opposite sex: They can be very loyal and lovable.

86) How are you today: Sleepy. Only got 5 hours of sleep. L

87) How do you eat an Oreo: I don’t eat Oreo! Wanna know why? Because everybody loves it!

88) Who makes you happy: Of course the usual… and now got something new… the thought of T.G. gawd!

89) Fav cds: Hed Kandi

90) Fav dream: Can’t remember my dreams lately.

91) Have you ever won any special awards: yah. Just check ‘em out at my house. Got quite a few of them :-)

92) What do you want to be when you grow up: I’m already a grown up! I guess when I was a kid, I wanted to be a newscaster! hehehe

93) End time: 4:54 PM (EST)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ahihihi! Very green ang vlag...