Saturday, January 05, 2008

Life is…

Life is waking up in the mornings with your favorite breakfast on the table. It’s that ‘just-about-right’ warmness of the hot coffee you just made. Life is getting that last scoop of peanut butter on your loaf.

Life is not forgetting to take your medications before heading to work. Life is not seeing the cat paw prints on your car’s windshield. Life is passing through traffic lights when they’re all green. Life is a hard rain when your car is too dusty.

Life is at least getting one email that will make you smile amidst the hundreds of mails you go through each day. Life is when a stranger smiles at you and greets you “good morning”. Life is a surprise lunch invite from a dear friend you haven’t seen in a while. Life is finishing up an hour early of the day’s work. Life is listening to your favorite song on the radio three times upon switching from one station to another.

Life is fighting that desire to call your ultimate crush. Life is getting a good mix of mojitos. Life is an hour overseas phonecall from a friend. Life is an updated playlist at the videoke. Life is not falling in line to withdraw cash from the ATM. Life is finding a charger when your cellphone runs out of battery.

Life is putting my thoughts together. Life is getting this read by people.

Life is simple. This is my life. I’d like to continue living it the way I’ve lived it.


Anonymous said...

that's life :)

Anonymous said...

what life? this is bliss. *LOL*