Thursday, April 17, 2008

Make me not love you anymore

Make me not love you anymore
Take away these feelings I’ve known long before
I’m reachin’ out to you but don’t take my hand
Even if it pains me, I would understand

Let’s forget yesterday’s promise of a bright tomorrow
Some things just can’t be… they’ll just be full of sorrow
I know I can’t have anything more
But my mind tells me not to settle for anything less either

I drown in your ocean of sweetness
I gasp amidst the air of your thoughtfulness
Can you not be there when I call your name?
I’ll pretend I’m just losing in a kid’s foolish game

Can we go back to the days when we were strangers?
In romance and true love, we weren’t believers
Can we simply just live and co-exist?
Not telling each other what have been missed

Rivers on a reversed flow
Melting ice cream in the hands of an Eskimo
Thunderstorm in the Sahara
A beautiful sunset in Japan

What does it have to take
To make me not love you anymore?

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